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martes, 9 de junio de 2020

Natural: Float or sink?

Hey kids!

How many times have you been to the swimming pool? Do you know how to swim? I´m sure you do.
Have you tested the difference between swimming in the sea and swimming in the pool?
 Today you´re watching this video and seeing the difference between two actions: float and sink.
... and why does it happen. Upthrust is our last concept from the Unit: Forces. I hope you like it!


In the following video you will learn about Density.



You have been working very well during the year. Now we will review a couple of things.

In the sea there are lots of criatures, not only animals but also plants. They can survive in this habitat They can swim without difficulty because they have a body prepared to live there. So, in this case, they don´t have any problem with upthrust. It is part of them.

Today we´re looking for  special living thing that lives on land or in the water. Let´s find extraordinary animal or plant. Our work consist of  investigating about one and hang on on the wall giving a short special characteristic. Let´s go!

Hecho con Padlet

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