Entrada destacada

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020

Social: move like a duck to the water.

Water is collected on the Earth´s surface. But not all! What happens with the water not flowing into the rivers, seas or oceans?

 We will see everything about groundwater. This picture is not real, it is just an optical illusion. Don´t you think it is beautiful?

This water is filtered through the soil. It forms underground lakes. It is very important for human beings and animal life. And also, it is important in the deserts, where people must extract it from the ground with wells.

  1. First, we will watch at this video. You can dance and sing if you like.  
  2. After that, read page 34 and make a list of principal vocabular related to "groundwater" with the meaning or a small picture next to it.
  3. Then, check your activities from yesterday. This ones:

 Ejercicio a) 

-96% of water in the Earth is salt water.
- Frozen ice caps are formed by solid water.
- When we heat ice, it turns into a liquid.
- Condensation means vapor that is collected in clouds.

Ejercicio b) Ejemplo (era dibujo libre).

          And... Why not? Do you want to try this other experiment? Not obligatory.For all volunteers who want to do it,  If you are decided, send it to me with a photo, please. I would like to see How you did it.

We will continue nex time...

That´s all folks!

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