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viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020

Art: para vivir de forma creativa hay que perder el miedo a equivocarse...

Sorolla, among the great painters in the world

It is one of my favourite painters, I love the way he painted. I´m sure you will recognize this picture:

1) Next Art project will focus on an Spanish famous painter from the XIX century, Joaquín Sorolla. You will have to use water colours and a paintbrush. It is important to use the colours carefully. If you don´t now anything about Sorolla, you can see this video that shows famous pictures of this artist.

Art:spot differences in Sorolla´s paintings

2) Now, you have a worksheet to print to do this project. If you can´t print it, please tell us to send it to you back. This is the real picture from Sorolla.

Ficha del siguiente projecto: Sorolla

Eso es, vamos a usar nuestras habilidades pictóricas. Necesitarás un pincel, témperas o acuarelas ( recomiendo témpera pues es más fácil usar los colores y dar luces y sombras). Una seña identificativa en Sorolla es esa. Para ello fíjate cómo usa los colores, el blanco, el beige, los claros y oscuros,... Recuerda usar bien el pincel de forma que quede la pintura bien repartida, respetando las líneas y tratando de usar los colores del cuadro. Piensa desde dónde viene la luz del sol y te ayudará a verlo.

And finally, your surprise: Art projects at the moment.

Hey kids! Today we have a surprise for you with your own Art projects. You can place your art projes here. I hope you like them. It´s your turn to have a look and say how beautiful they are. Remember it takes time to finish an Art project, so we would consider it amazing if you value the work done.

Congratulations to everyone!

Hecho con Padlet

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